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Academic Publications

Chan, J., Suhrheinrich, J., Rieth, S., & Stahmer, A. C. (2022). Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching. TEACHING Exceptional Children.

Stahmer, A.C., Suhrheinrich, J., Rieth, S.R., Roesch, S., Vejnoska, S., Chan, J., Nahmias, A., & Wang, T. (in press). A waitlist randomized implementation trial of classroom pivotal response teaching for students with autism. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 

Suhrheinrich, J., Wang, T., Chan, J., Holt, T., Stahmer, A.C., Rieth, S.R., Roesch, S., & Sam, A. (2022). Developing an empirically-based adaptation and training model for intervention scale up of classroom pivotal response teaching: A protocol paper. International Journal of Educational Research Open.

Suhrheinrich, J., Rieth, S.R., Dickson, K., Roesch, S., & Stahmer, A.C. (2019). Classroom pivotal response teaching: Teacher training outcomes of a community efficacy trial. Teacher Education and Special Education.

Stahmer, A.C., Suhrheinrich, J., & Hall, L. J. (2019). Academics and Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions. In Y. Bruinsma, M. Minjarez, R. Matos, E. McNerney, A. Stahmer, PhD & L. Schreibman (Eds.) Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions in the Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Concepts, Models, Theories, and Strategies, Brookes Publishing.

Brookman-Frazee, L., Chlebowski, C., Suhrheinrich, J., Finn, N., Dickson, K.S., Aarons, G.A., Stahmer, A.C. (2019).  Characterizing shared and unique implementation influences in two community service systems for autism: Applying the EPIS framework to two large-scale autism intervention community effectiveness trials. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 10.1007/s10488-019-00931-4

Suhrheinrich, J., & Chan, J.D. (2017). Exploring the Effect of Immediate Video Feedback on Coaching. Journal of Special Education Technology, 32(1), 47-53.

Suhrheinrich, J., Dickson, K.S., Rieth, S.R., Lau, A. F. & Stahmer, A.C. (2016). Exploring the relationship between classroom type and teacher fidelity of implementation. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 9(2), 349-360.

Stahmer, A.C., Suhrheinrich, J., Reith, S. (2016). A Pilot Examination of the Adapted Protocol for Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals, 11(1).

Vejnoska, S.A., Chan, J., Reith, S. R., Suhrheinrich, J., & Stahmer, A. (2015). Naturalistic Intervention in Classrooms: A Look at Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching. Autism Spectrum News. 7 (3), 7-11.

Reith, S., Stahmer, A.C., Schreibman, L., & Suhrheinrich, J. (2014). Examining the prevalence of stimulus overselectivity in children with ASD. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 48(1), 71-84.

Rieth, S. R., Stahmer, A. C., Suhrheinrich, J., Schreibman, L., Kennedy, J., & Ross, B. (2014). Identifying critical elements of treatment examining the use of turn taking in autism intervention. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 29(3), 168-179.

Suhrheinrich, J., Stahmer, A. C., Reed, S., & Schreibman, L., Reisinger, E. & Mandell, D. (2013). Implementation challenges in translating pivotal response training into community settings. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,43,2970-2976. doi: 10.1007/s10803-013-1826-7

Reed, S., Stahmer, A.C., Suhrheinrich, J.,& Schreibman, L. (2013). Stimulus overselectivity in typical Development: Implications for teaching children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(6).

Schreibman, L., Suhrheinrich, J., Stahmer, A.C. & Reed, S. (2012). Translating evidence-based practice from the laboratory to the classroom: The development of classroom pivotal response teaching. In P. Mundy and A. Mastergeorge (Eds.) Educational Interventions for Students with Autism.

Stahmer, A.C., Suhrheinrich, J., Reed, S., & Schreibman, L., “What Works for You? Using Teacher Feedback to Inform Adaptations of Pivotal Response Training for Classroom Use,” Autism Research and Treatment, vol. 2012, Article ID 709861, 11 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/709861

Stahmer, A.C., Suhrheinrich, J., Reed, S., Bolduc, C., Schreibman, L. (2011). Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching for Children with Autism. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Stahmer, A. C., Suhrheinrich, J., Reed, S., Bolduc, C., Schreibman, L. (2010). Pivotal response teaching in the classroom setting. Preventing School Failure, 54 (4) 265-274.

Academic Presentations

Nahmias, A.S., Stahmer, A.C., Reith, S.R., Rosech, S., Vejnoska, S., Chan, J., Wang, T., & Suhrheinrich, J. (2021, November). Association between Teacher Fidelity to Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching and Student Outcomes. Oral presentation at the annual meeting for Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New Orleans, LA.

Chan, J., Jobin, A.B., Suhrheinrich, J., Reith, S., Stahmer, A. (May 2018). Treatment fidelity in a randomized clinical trial of Classroom Pivotal Response Training. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Diego, CA.

Suhrheinrich, J., Reith, S., Melgarejo, M., Chan, J., Stahmer, A. (May 2018). Goal Attainment Scaling to measure student outcomes in Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Diego, CA.

Dickson, K.S., Stahmer, A.C., Rieth, S.R., Suhrheinrich, J. (May 2016). Reliability of Parent and Teacher Perspectives on Child Functioning in a Large Urban Sample of Children with ASD. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research.

Suhrheinrich, J., Stahmer, A.C., & Rieth, S. (March 2016). Training Classroom Teachers in An EBP for ASD: Examining Outcomes and Predictors of Skill Mastery. Paper presented at the Annual Gatlinburg Conference, San Diego, CA.

Suhrheinrich, J., Stahmer, A. C., Rieth, S. R. (February 2016) Preliminary Child and Family Outcomes of a Parent-Implemented Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention for Young Children At-Risk for ASD. Presentation presented at the Conference on Research Innovations in Early Intervention Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Hall, L.J., Suhrheinrich, J., Stahmer, A.C., & Brookman-Frazee, L. (February 2016). Designing Research and Professional Development that Leads to Sustained Use of Evidence-Based Interventions. Paper presented at the Conference for Research Innovations in Early Intervention, San Diego, CA.

Holt, T., Chan, J., Stahmer, A., Suhrheinrich, J. (November 2015). Does Immediate Video Feedback Enhance Teacher Training Effectiveness? Poster presented at the annual Ed Quigley Symposium, San Diego, CA.

Stahmer, A.C., Suhrheinrich, J., & Rieth, S. (May 2015). Examining Outcomes and Satisfaction in a Randomized Trial of Classroom Pivotal Response Training (CPRT). Paper presented to the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City, Utah.

Vejnoska, S., Rieth, S., Suhrheinrich, J., Wang, T., & Stahmer, A. (May 2015). CPRT Fidelity of Implementation: An Examination of Antecedent and Consequence Strategies in Relation to Student Active Engagement. Poster presented to the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City, UT.

Vejnoska, S., Rieth, S., Suhrheinrich, J., & Stahmer, A. (February 2015). Pre-training teacher characteristics: Implications for Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching. Poster presented at the 33rd Annual Western Regional Conference for the California Association for Behavior Analysis, San Diego, CA.

Stahmer, A.C., Suhrheinrich, J., & Reed, S.R. (March 2013). Working with teachers to adapt an evidence-based intervention for children with autism. Paper presented at the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

Stahmer, A., Suhrheinrich, J., Reed, S., & Schreibman, L. (May 2012). Effectiveness of Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching: A Pilot Study. Paper presented at the 11th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Stahmer, A., Suhrheinrich, J., Reed, S., & Schreibman, L. (May 2012). Implementation Strategies In Schools: What We Have Learned From Teachers. Invited address presented at the 11th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Stahmer, A. C., Reed, S., Suhrheinrich, J., Vattuone, C., & Schreibman, L. (June 2009). Use of Pivotal Response Training in Community Classrooms serving Children with Autism. Paper presented at the Institute for Education Sciences Research Conference, Washington, DC.

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